All Tests, Nutrition & Vitamin Health, Heart Health
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Homocysteine Test

$ 79.0

Discover your homocysteine level with a simple blood test

Homocysteine is an amino acid (building block of protein) produced in the body. Normally, homocysteine levels are low, because homocysteine is typically broken down by vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (also known as folate).¹  


High homocysteine levels can be associated with increased risk of several conditions, including cardiovascular disease, blood clots and other blood vessel disorders.²  


This trusted homocysteine blood test measures the level of homocysteine in your blood. It should not be used for the diagnosis of a vitamin B9 or B12 deficiency. 

Homocysteine Test
$ 79.0

Test Details

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Sample Type: Blood
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Collection Method: In person at a Labcorp location
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Age: 18+
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Results: 1-2 days from when your sample arrives at our lab
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HSA/FSA: Accepted
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Test must be taken by purchaser

Preparation: Fast for 12 hours (no food or drink, except water) before sample collection.  

What's Tested
  • Homocysteine

    Homocysteine is an amino acid produced in the body through metabolism. Normally, the body breaks down homocysteine with the help of vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (also known as folate). An elevated homocysteine level could suggest a vitamin deficiency and may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. 

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  • Anyone interested in assessing or monitoring cardiovascular risk factors including those with symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, weakness or heart palpitations may want to consider a homocysteine test. An elevated homocysteine level could indicate a vitamin deficiency and may be associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Periodic testing can also track changes in homocysteine levels.  
